Janet Kendall White Shares How Nurturing Prospects Can Grow Your Business

Janet Kendall WhiteJanet Kendall White uses speaking as a means of staying visible to her target market. On this episode of Quick Tips to Grow Your Business with Speaking she talks about her strategies for nurturing prospects that are met through speaking and shares a story of one 20 year long standing client that took her two years of nurturing to land.

Janet also explains that her goal with speaking engagements is to educate, inspire and inform the audience and once the engagement is over, she begins a nurturing process, which includes both connecting on LinkedIn and via email.

Tune in to also find out the three traits she believes people need to have in order to be successful at using speaking to build a business.

Janet Kendall White is founder and CEO of Berkshire Group an award-winning leadership and culture development firm. Berkshire Group has a track record of helping clients develop award winning cultures while meeting their business objectives.
Janet has been featured among other things in Entrepreneur, Fortune and Bloomberg Business Week. She has a diverse educational background, certifications, and work experience that allow her to be an engaging speaker nationally and internationally on a variety of topics.
Janet devotes some of her time to causes that combine physical challenge and making a difference as well as organizations that support our veterans and women.

You can learn more about Janet at https://berkshiregroupinc.com/

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