Debra Reis Reveals How to Use Webinars to Build Email Lists and Attract Clients

Debra ReisDebra Reis enjoys live speaking but also uses webinars to grow her email list.

In our interview, Deb shares the importance of collaboration with other experts who have similar target markets to hers, to help promote her webinars and to also be active in their groups, social media or email based. She explains her follow-up process and also discusses the importance of engagement, both during the webinar (or live speaking) and after.

Tune in to find out the three traits she believes people need to have in order to be successful at using speaking to build a business.

Debra Reis is a nurse, teacher and author specializing in holistic health and supportive therapies including essential oils, relaxation techniques and gentle movement therapies. She is the director and an instructor for the Certification in Clinical Aromatherapy program for the Institute of Spiritual Healing & Aromatherapy and nationally known expert in the area of essential oils for cancer care. According to several students, Deb has a gift for making complex information easy to understand and integrate into practice.

You can learn more about Deb and all the resources that she has available at

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Watch the video of our interview here: